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About Institute

Paat Gugushvili Institute of Economics at the TSU in Georgia is the only research center for fundamental and applied areas in the field of economics; it was founded in 1944 as part of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.

The purpose of the Institute is to carry out fundamental and applied research, consulting and expert activities. According to the rules established by law, the Institute has the right to participate in the educational process; ensure the involvement of students in research grant projects, in local and international conferences and research events; take part in the performance of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students; in accordance with the rule defined by the university, the Institute is involved in the preparation and implementation of higher education programs.

The first director of the Institute was academician Paata Gugushvili. Then the directors were Academician Avtandil Gunia, Academician Vladimir Papava, Doctor of Economics, Professor George Tsereteli. At present, the director of the Institute is Doctor of Economics, Professor Ramaz Abesadze (the Institute’s website is

The Institute has periodicals: 1. peer-reviewed, international, scientific-analytical, electronic (web page - and print ( journal - "Economists" (which is indexed in the database ERIH and GoogleScholar data); 2. '' Collection of scientific papers of the Institute of Economics named after Paat Gugushvili TSU "(

The Institute regularly holds international scientific conferences ( Since 2017, two types of conferences will be held: 1. International scientific conference dedicated to the institute's foundation day; 2. International scientific Internet conference. In both cases, peer-reviewed scientific collections and reports will be published, which will also be posted on the website and in the electronic databases of conferences.
