![]() Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics International Scientific
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For participants Report design and text format: 1. Authors are permitted to present the reports (articles) in Georgian, English and Russian languages; 2. Reports (articles) presented in English language should be enclosed with summary (1-2 pages) 3. Margin: Top-Bottom – 2 sm; Right-Left – 2,5 sm; 4. Font: for Georgian text - Sylfaen and AcadNusx; for English and Russian text - Times New Roman; Font size - 11; Distance between lines - 1,15; 5. Paper is not numbered; 6. Authors data: name, surname of an author (authors) (centralized, font size 12); 7. Short academic biography (no more than 100 words); 8. Drawings, pictures, schemes, photos, illustrations, tables should be given under the corresponding text or on the subsequent page; 9. Drawings, pictures, schemes, photos, illustrations, tables (format – from 90X120mm to 130X120mm) should be numbered by the Arab figures; 10. If only one illustration is given in the text, it is not numbered; 11. In case of necessity, drawings, pictures, schemes, photos, illustrations, tables should be entitled and/or the short explanation should be enclosed under the name of the material, in the same place; 12. Drawing should be displayed on the screen without hindrances (capability to distinguish 96-150 dpi); 13. Article’s text should include: name of the article (centralized, Bold, font size 14); a short annotation (not more than 8 lines, in the language of the article, Italic, font size 11); the annotation should not include quotations and / or drawings, plans, photographs, illustrations, tables; key words - not more than five in the language of the article (italic, font size 12); the main part of the article, which includes an introduction (topicality), the main text and conclusion (font size 11); 14. Electronic version of the report (the article) should be submitted; 15. Author is obliged to protect the style of citations; 16. Reports (articles) will pass the review; 17. The author is responsible for the content of the report (the article) and its publication; 18. The Institute is not responsible before the authors and / or third parties and organizations, if they are in some form suffered from this publication; The Committee of the Conference thanks for your co-operation. Citation sample The editions specified in the used literature at the end of the report (the article) should be located in alphabetical order according to surnames of authors (in case of that absence, the name of the collection), first Georgian, then foreign editions. 1. Monograph In the list: In the text: 2. Work: In the proceedings In the text In the journal In the text 3. If the book (article) has several authors, the surname of the author is specified in the text in square brackets that was indicated for the first time and then, usually, as in case of one author [Abashidze D., …, 2005: 10] 4. Proceedings: In the list: In the text 5. In case of indication of a foreign book, surname of an author should be indicated in the original language and the rule of approval should be in the way as indicating Georgian book. For example, the book Stanley G. Becker, 1964, Human Capital. Columbia University Press, page 35 will be approved in such a way: [Stanley, 1964: 35]. 6. The approval of the encyclopedia or the dictionary happens by indication of the author (surnames of authors) or the first word of the name, in the same way, as above. 7. If the author published two books or more in the same year, A, B etc. should be specified respectively after the surname of the author. Remarks: 2017-02-01 |