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Eter KakuliaTea LazarashviliTeimuraz Gogokhia


Environment Nature and living conditions on earth are constantly changing. The problem of climate change, which manifests itself in the increase of the average annual temperature regime of different areas on Earth, has become one of the main challenges of the 21st century.

The plans of the world economy and population to adapt to the consequences of climate change are already becoming a global phenomenon. In addition, as a result of the average temperature change in various areas, the flora and fauna that are part of the regional ecosystem are changing.

The rapid pace of scientific and technical progress, the development of heavy industry, the increase in the number of industrial areas contribute significantly to climate change, due to which some regions of the world become quite vulnerable.

The most noticeable changes as a result of climate change are in agriculture, as the increase in average annual air temperature makes some areas unsuitable for growing agricultural crops. Thus, climate change directly affects global food security.

Reducing the rates of climate change towards warming and equalizing the economic consequences must be considered at the global level, as the modern world increases production capacities, industrial concentration and negative environmental impacts.