English / ქართული / русский /
Maia KapanadzeGiorgi Chincharauli


National economic security of Georgia, the stateIt is an important qualitative indicator of the economic system. It is the ability of the state's economic system to protect the state's economic interests, promote the stability and development of the economic system, and create normal living conditions for the population. Indicators of the security of the national economy of Georgia are: the extent of foreign competition in the country; Terms of Trade Index; import and export diversification structure; The size of the technical return of foreign trade, the ratio of the amount of monetary and foreign exchange reserves to the volume of imports; External debt service ratio.

The scale of foreign competition in the domestic market of Georgia implies the amount of imports in consumption, especially according to the products for which the state has a great potential for production.

- The index of terms of trade is calculated by the ratio of exports and imports in international trade, which shows how much the changes in the world market cost the country for imported and exported products.

- The structure of import and export diversification shows the state and firm structures of export and import.

The size of technical returns of foreign trade is determined by the specific share of machinery and other technical products in export and import.

- The ratio of foreign exchange reserves to the volume of imports shows the share of the country's foreign exchange reserves on imported products.

- The foreign debt service ratio is determined by the ratio of the amount paid for the payment of the foreign debt to the volume of exports received in the corresponding period.

Key words: economic security; Terms of Trade Index; the size of the technical return; foreign debt service ratio; foreign exchange reserves; foreign security; Homeland Security.