English / ქართული / русский /
MARINA TABATADZEAnna Tandilashvili
Political Factor of Economic Stabilization


Different stages of economic development form different political ideologies and public psychologies, which, in its turn, affect the main trends and perspectives of the development. Today, a new balance of forces and new interdependent relations are being formed in the world, in which a successful positioning, in addition to economic potential, requires the existence of political stability as a decisive factor of economic growth.

In order to achieve economic success, countries must have real resources enabling political balance, as an unstable environment complicates integration processes, hinders the development of joint programs and international coordination of activities. Indeed, political stability is considered a crucial prerequisite for vital financial assistance and cooperation from the Commonwealth of Nations. Ensuring political stability and focusing on political vectors help to maximize the positive effects of integration and limit risks within the country. This particularly increases the government's responsibility for political processes and strengthens its regulatory function of ensuring a balanced environment.

Large-scale political conflicts in the modern world essentially hinder economic growth, which is reflected in the reduction of general well-being. This paper discusses the impact of the political factor on economic stability, its theoretical aspects and conceptual approaches.

Key words:  Concept of state governance; Political and economic stabilization; Economic balance;  Macroeconomic  stability; Factors  of  economic growth;  State management of the economy.